I understand that some local cargo branches without use might need to be cut, but PO has now gone too far. They want to destroy 2000 km of polish railways, including several important branches, even sections which stand next to renovated lines and are vital for those renovated lines. Just like they always do, the neoliberals prefer to destroy instead of create.
It all started in September when the railways trade union published that PKP PLK had contracted the Mckinsey consulting firm to choose which lines to destroy and soon a lot of talked about how absurd, ridiculous and insane the Mckinsey work was. It planned for the destruction of 4000km of lines and received terrible reviews in the internet and Sejmiks all over poland called PLK for explanations. Some highlights: "Dotarliśmy do dokumentów z których zieje irracjonalną grozą i zupełnie realnym HORROREM na torach – nie mówiąc o absurdzie tak wielkim że po prostu trudno w to zwyczajnie uwierzyć. A jednak... - pisze na blogu Robert Wyszyński." and "Mówiąc językiem ludzkim, chodzi o oszacowanie kosztów – uwaga – LIKWIDACJI fizycznej (to znaczy ROZEBRANIA) linii lub odcinków linii lokalnych oraz regionalnych podanych w załączonej tabeli.". Link: http://www.rynek-kolejowy.pl/35507/4_tys_km_linii_do_likwidacji__czyli_restrukturyzacja_w_wykonaniu_PLK_cz1.htm
The 4000km plan can be seen in this map:
Very soon afterawards PLK requested Rynek Kolejowe to take down their article and claimed that it was all false and no such thing was planned. They even travelled around Poland and assured local governments that they would not make a massive liquidation of lines. [Link]
And I believed them! But now, in 15 February 2013 I just found out that they are liers. From now on I will simply assume that PO is lying all the time. It will save a lot of deception. They have chosen half of the lines from the McKinzey line and want to liquidate them. Link:
I have compiled most of the lines (colors red and orange) in this map, to have a global view of their evil work:
The most absurd are the following:
*Lines in Mazuria: 223, 219, 35, 49, 36, 34. This closures are absurd! In the regions there was exactly an effort to modernize the lines. The sections in light green were recently modernized. And now this ridiculous move will cut rail access from one of the largest cities in the region: Łomża, and it will also close two thirds of the Mazurian lines which are a great way to move tourists in this popular touristic area =(
In 219 there is currently a regional train running "Olsztyn - Ełk (Pisz) - Olsztyn" as can be seen here: Link
*Lines in Podkarpackie and Lubelskie: Lines 30, 25, 72, 69, 101, 108, 107. The region already has so few lines, it is absurd to close those very important links, many of which currently have passanger trains running! To make it even more ridiculous, most of the line 30 was recently modernized or will be, and the remaining section is important to make it connected on both sides. On one side the line has Lublin and on the other Łuków, so it is very viable complete, but going simply to the middle of the way will surely kill the line. How could they want to cut those lines? I can only think that it is because this region traditionally votes more for PiS and the evil PO mineons want to punish the local population.
Line 25 connects one of the largest cities in the region, Miliec ... what a stupid idea to close it.
*Line 104 conecting Żywiec and Nowy Sącz -> There is a new rail line from Kraków to this line in the European Union program for 2014-2020 and this lines is essential for this project. How could they think of closing it now? Building a 5 billion zł project just to have it stop in the middle of nowhere because the destination line was closed is the stupidiest idea I've seen from PO so far!
*Line 24 to Belchatów Power Plan and the industrial zone in Belchatów is economically relevant and should not be closed.
And so on and so on...
Compare also with the map of lines recently modernized or under modernization: http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/4894/modernakolei1luty2013.jpg
And to complete besides stupid ideas about closing lines there is also the favorite past time of neoliberals: firing people. First 3000 people lost their jobs in Silesia because of the disordered creation of Kolej Śląsk. Next PLK wants to fire 7000 people. Good job PO, keep going and you might achieve 20% unemployment. Link: http://www.rynek-kolejowy.pl/39663/Nawet_7_tys_pracownikow_PKP_PLK_straci_prace.htm
I am getting sick and tired of PO, and I think it is about time we take the streets to protests against them. The list of evil acts just doesn't stop:
*They stole our retirement money with the "zmianna OFE", which amounts to an affective new income tax of 5%! A *huge* increase in taxes.
*They increased VAT
*Wanted to steal 5 billions from the european union budget for rail improvements and use it on roads
*Tusk wanted to institute gay marriage, probably to be followed by a law banning any criticism to homossexuality like his illuminated friends like to do.
*Huge increase in the trash collection fee
*Privatization of essential services like water, which lead to higher prices and worse service
It all started in September when the railways trade union published that PKP PLK had contracted the Mckinsey consulting firm to choose which lines to destroy and soon a lot of talked about how absurd, ridiculous and insane the Mckinsey work was. It planned for the destruction of 4000km of lines and received terrible reviews in the internet and Sejmiks all over poland called PLK for explanations. Some highlights: "Dotarliśmy do dokumentów z których zieje irracjonalną grozą i zupełnie realnym HORROREM na torach – nie mówiąc o absurdzie tak wielkim że po prostu trudno w to zwyczajnie uwierzyć. A jednak... - pisze na blogu Robert Wyszyński." and "Mówiąc językiem ludzkim, chodzi o oszacowanie kosztów – uwaga – LIKWIDACJI fizycznej (to znaczy ROZEBRANIA) linii lub odcinków linii lokalnych oraz regionalnych podanych w załączonej tabeli.". Link: http://www.rynek-kolejowy.pl/35507/4_tys_km_linii_do_likwidacji__czyli_restrukturyzacja_w_wykonaniu_PLK_cz1.htm
The 4000km plan can be seen in this map:
Very soon afterawards PLK requested Rynek Kolejowe to take down their article and claimed that it was all false and no such thing was planned. They even travelled around Poland and assured local governments that they would not make a massive liquidation of lines. [Link]
And I believed them! But now, in 15 February 2013 I just found out that they are liers. From now on I will simply assume that PO is lying all the time. It will save a lot of deception. They have chosen half of the lines from the McKinzey line and want to liquidate them. Link:
I have compiled most of the lines (colors red and orange) in this map, to have a global view of their evil work:
The most absurd are the following:
*Lines in Mazuria: 223, 219, 35, 49, 36, 34. This closures are absurd! In the regions there was exactly an effort to modernize the lines. The sections in light green were recently modernized. And now this ridiculous move will cut rail access from one of the largest cities in the region: Łomża, and it will also close two thirds of the Mazurian lines which are a great way to move tourists in this popular touristic area =(
In 219 there is currently a regional train running "Olsztyn - Ełk (Pisz) - Olsztyn" as can be seen here: Link
*Lines in Podkarpackie and Lubelskie: Lines 30, 25, 72, 69, 101, 108, 107. The region already has so few lines, it is absurd to close those very important links, many of which currently have passanger trains running! To make it even more ridiculous, most of the line 30 was recently modernized or will be, and the remaining section is important to make it connected on both sides. On one side the line has Lublin and on the other Łuków, so it is very viable complete, but going simply to the middle of the way will surely kill the line.
Line 25 connects one of the largest cities in the region, Miliec ... what a stupid idea to close it.
*Line 104 conecting Żywiec and Nowy Sącz -> There is a new rail line from Kraków to this line in the European Union program for 2014-2020 and this lines is essential for this project. How could they think of closing it now?
*Line 24 to Belchatów Power Plan and the industrial zone in Belchatów is economically relevant and should not be closed.
And so on and so on...
Compare also with the map of lines recently modernized or under modernization: http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/4894/modernakolei1luty2013.jpg
And to complete besides stupid ideas about closing lines there is also the favorite past time of neoliberals: firing people. First 3000 people lost their jobs in Silesia because of the disordered creation of Kolej Śląsk. Next PLK wants to fire 7000 people. Good job PO, keep going and you might achieve 20% unemployment. Link: http://www.rynek-kolejowy.pl/39663/Nawet_7_tys_pracownikow_PKP_PLK_straci_prace.htm
I am getting sick and tired of PO, and I think it is about time we take the streets to protests against them. The list of evil acts just doesn't stop:
*They stole our retirement money with the "zmianna OFE", which amounts to an affective new income tax of 5%! A *huge* increase in taxes.
*They increased VAT
*Wanted to steal 5 billions from the european union budget for rail improvements and use it on roads
*Tusk wanted to institute gay marriage, probably to be followed by a law banning any criticism to homossexuality like his illuminated friends like to do.
*Huge increase in the trash collection fee
*Privatization of essential services like water, which lead to higher prices and worse service
Um comentário:
Moja zdania, o niektórech tych liniach:
24 -> Elektrownia Bełchatów użewa ta linia, i Bełchatów i Piotrków Tryb. są oba powyżej 60k mieszkaniców, tam się przedało połącienia np. 6 razy dzienne na każda strona szynobusem.
25 około Opoczno -> Szalenstwo to zamekać. Teraz jadą tam pociągi regionalny i będą płacić 3 mln. za budowa stacja w Opoczno w CMK ...
25 około Miliec -> Powinna być remontowana i dostać połączenia Rzeszów-Mielec
104 -> Kolejne szalenstwo ... nie wiedzą że jest w plan budowa linia z Krakowa do 104??? Byłoby śmieszny ... nowa linia na 160km/h ... tylko że łączy krakowa z jakieś miesce gdzie kiedeś był 104, zamiast do Zakopana i Nowy Sącz
117 i 96 mają ruch passażerskie
108 powinna zostać remontowana i przedłużeć pociąg do Sanoka. Na 107 chyba za mało ludzie mieszkają
49 i 36 łączą Białystok z łomża, trzecie największe miasta w Podlaskie ... ale niestety trasa nie jest prosta, wiec trochy problem tutaj ...
219 ma ruch pasażerskie i nie powinna zamykać
30 i 223 są oba oboko dość duże świeże remontowany segment ... co za idiotism
283 też ma ruch i jest dość ładna
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